Artist Resume and Statement:
Artist's Statement:
I am a direct painter, painting mostly from life to capture the moment.
The excitement of the moment and the immediacy are what drives me. It is that total impression that creates the completed painting.
I focus on color, harmony, light, mood, texture, composition and the calligraphy of my brush strokes.
I love to experiment with a variety of palettes and surfaces. It is the visual stimulation that drives and moves me forward.
And when a painting is complete it is time to move on to new images. This is true in art as it is in life.
E.D.D University of Pennsylvania
M.A. Temple University
B.S. Temple University
Wayne Art Center, Intensive Workshops with Jon Redmond, 2012, Martin Campos, 2015-2016, Georgiana Lenssen, 2018
Woodmere Art Museum Workshops, Chestnut Hill, P.A. 2008-2010
Mass Art: Bennington College, Mass Art , Mass. College of Art and Design Vermont, July 2008
PAFA Workshops, 2007, 2009, 2010
Main Line Art Center Workshops with Francine Shore, 2009-2018, Kassem Amudi,2019
Main Line Art Center, Special Workshop, 2007-2015
Artists Workshop, Plein Aire, San Miguel, Mexico, June/July,2007
Artist's Workshop Plein Aire, San Miguel, Mexico, June/July 2006
Limited Enrollment Classes, Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial, 1999-2007
Woodmere Art Museum, Still Life Painting with Frances Galante, 2006-2010
Master Artists Workshop Series with Frances Galante, Stanley Beilen, Patrick Connors, Paul du Sold, Scott Noel, Philadelphia, P.A. 2005-2004
Bucks County, Master Artists Workshop with Christine La Fluente, Summer 2005
Trenton Art Center, Special Workshop with Christine La Fluente, Summer 2004
Samuel Fleisher Art Memorial Special Workshops, 1998-2008
Wayne Art Center, Exhibition, Davenport Gallery, 2018
Medford Art Center, Best in Show, 2018
Philadelphia Sketch Club, Art of The Flower, 2018
Burlington County Art Guild: Robert Ransley Exhibition, May, 2017
Philadelphia Sketch Club, Small Oils Exhibit, 2016
The Plastic Club, Small Worlds Juried Exhibit, Honorable mention, February, 2015
Willingboro Art Alliance, Honorable Mention Award, 19th. Annual Open Juried Exhibition, October, 2014
Burlington County Art Guild, Inc. 42nd Annual Robert Ransley Open Juried Show, May, 2014
BEST IN SHOW Philadelphia Sketch Club, Loos Award, Works on Paper Juried Exhibit, January, 2014
Purchase Award, Deptford Township, New Jersey, Galleria Deptford, September, 2013
Willingboro Art Alliance, 17th Annual Juried Exhibition, October-November, 2012
Wayne Art Center, Honorable Mention Award, 2012
Philadelphia Sketch Club, First Place R. Tait Mc Kensy Medal, 149th, Annual Exhibition, Small Oils, April, 2012
Montgomery County Guild of Professional Artists, 2012
Willingboro Art Alliance 16th Annual Juried Exhibition, 2011
Philadelphia Sketch Club, 148th Annual Exhibition of Small Oil Paintings, April, 2011 Exhibit
Honorable Mention Award Montgomery County Guild of Professional Artists, The World of the Professional Artist #5, January-February, 2011
Honorable Mention Award Wayne Art Center, Feast the Eyes National Exhibit, October 2010
Grython Award Wayne Art Center, Juried Members Exhibit, October, 2010
Honorable Mention Award Noyes Art Museum, Small Works Exhibit, 2010
Willingboro Art Alliance: Lyceum: The Mind of the Artist: Impressionism: Honorable Mention Award, July, 2010
Main Line Art Center, Honorable Mention, January, 2010
Philadelphia Sketch Club, Art of the Flower, 2009
Honorable Mention Samuel Fleisher, Excellence in Painting Award, The Philadelphia Art Museum, 2008
Philadelphia Plastic Club, Juried Exhibit, Down to Earth, March 2-March 26, 2008
Third Place:"Mud Jug" Philadelphia Plastic Club Juried Exhibit, Small Worlds, Feb.3-20, 2008
Second Place: "Table Setting" Main Line Art Center, Members Juried Exhibit, October, 2007
Honorable Mention Award for "Portrait of Susan" Samuel S. Fleisher Memorial Exhibit
Award for Excellence in Portrait Painting, Fred & Hazell Award, Philadelphia Art Museum and Award for Excellence in Oil Painting, April, 2007
Philadelphia / Tri State Artists Equity 58th Anniverary Members Juried Exhibition, Peace Prize Award, February, 2007
Mcgopa, Montgomery County Guild of Professional Artists, The World of the Professional Artist Min Hamberg Memorial Award, January, 2007
Tri-State Artists Equity 56th. Exhibition, American College, Bryn Mawr, 11/05/06
Cheltenham Art Center 63rd.Annual Awards Painting Exhibit, 4/05-5/05
2005 National Spring Open Juried Exhibit, Wayne Art Center, 4/05-5/05
Samuel S. Fleisher Awards for Excellence in Painting/Portrait/Figure/Still Life 2007, 2006, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1998
Carspecken Scott Gallery, Wilmington, Delaware
Wildflowers Too, Long Beach Island
William Ris Gallery, Stone Harbor, N.J.& Jamesport, N.Y.
Since 2000, participated in over 100 exhibitions
Awards and honors in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware
A lecturer, juror, and guest speaker in Pennsylvania and New Jersey
Executive board member: Philadelphia Sketch Club, 2013-14
LaceyHydrangea, 20"x26", Oil on Yupo
Mountain Roses, 20"x26", Oil on Yupo
Wild Flowers, 26"x20", Oil on Yupo
No Boundaries, 26"x20", Oil on Yupo
Abundance, 20"x24", Oil on Plexiglas
Lisianthus, 24"x20", Oil on Yupo
Thank You, Klimt, 12"x9", Oil on Panel
Dream, 24"x20", Oil on Yupo
Dream Come True Day, 24"x20", Oil on Yupo
Dream Come True Day-2, 24"x20", Oil on Yupo
Floating, 26"x20", Oil on Yupo
Stretching, 18"x24", Oil on Yupo
The Other Half, 24"x20", Oil on Yupo
Winter Cabbage, 24"x20", Oil on Yupo
Just For Me, 30"x30", Shellaced Birch
Just For Me, oil on shellaced birch, 30"x30"
Drama Queen With Lopsided Pear, 40"x40", Oil on Shellaced Birch