Runcie Tatnall
Artist Statement: Revisited
My work is part of an important artistic tradition centered around the Brandywine River.
I have admired the artists from this region my entire life, and am fortunate to have an ancestor who was part of this tradition as a source of inspiration.
I am blessed to have grown up being exposed to original artwork. As I grew older,
I began to appreciate more what being from this area meant as an artist: Appreciation of History. A
ppreciation of the beauty of nature. Appreciation of Painting. The reverence for nature can be seen in the sublime
elegance of Henry Lea Tatnall's paintings. The reverence of our history can be seen in the paintings of Howard Pyle and his followers.
I have tried to emulate the character of these artists - qualities that can be demonstrated in art no matter where it is created.
I have lived in Delaware, Washington, DC, Brooklyn, New York, East Texas, and Miami.
I have carried the lessons learned from my early days until now, and found sought beauty in my environment wherever that may be.
I am forever grateful I have something to live up to – the traditions of the Brandywine River artists.
I would like to thank Lee and Vince for being enthusiastic supporters of my work and doing a bit of everything to help with putting this show together.
Thank you to Lee for connecting me with Carspecken-Scott gallery, driving me around looking for inspiring sites
in the wilds of northern Delaware, offering valuable suggestions, and helping title pictures.
Thank you to Vince for expertly packing the work in Miami and driving it himself all the way to Delaware as well as supporting me
in a myriad of ways throughout the process of getting this thing together.
Thank you to Laurel, Nathan, Josh, and D.J. for being gracious in inviting me to exhibit here, and generous with their time and expertise.
Brandywine, 48"x48"
NVF, 30"x30"
3 /21
Backwater, 10"x10"
Geno's Steaks, 40"x40"
Brandywine Rockface, 24"x24"
Glimpse of the Bay, 30"x30""
Sugar Bowl, 34"x34"
The Bay, 36x36"
Grooves, 48"x48"
Ceci n'est pas une C3PO, 24"x24"
Jungle Island, 36"x36"
Shoe Business, 48"x48"
Show Me The Money, 48"x48"
Portrait Of A Boxer #10, 36"x36"
Portrait Of A Boxer #3, 68"x40"
Roll-X #1, 8"x10"
Roll-X #2, 8"x10"
Roll-X #3, 8"x10"
Triple-Ply #1, 8"x10"
Triple-Ply #2, 8"x10"
Triple-Ply #3, 8"x10"