1707 N Lincoln Street, Wilmington DE 19806 - (302)655-7173


Having been a self-employed artist since 1988, Becky Parrish has developed and honed her considerable skills as an artist. She graduated with a BA from George Mason University, and a MFA from George Washington University. Through the years, she pursued her art by taking painting workshops and art studio course as well. Becky also worked as the Associate Professor of Fine Arts at Lord Fairfax Community College.

Her use of exciting color contrasts and a deft use of light and shadow identify her work. In the past, she often assisted other artists, who were commissioned to do large murals, by painting in the people's faces with accuracy and skill. Subsequently, she branched out into portraiture, as well as continuing to paint other types of scenes. Her portraits capture an individual's spirit, rather than presenting a hard-edged photographic reproduction, while her still life works are each strikingly different.

Becky's work has been exhibited in numerous art shows in the Washington DC and northern Virginia areas. She has been the recipient of several awards and fellowships for her work

"My paintings are abstract, regardless of their representative nature. Whether setting up a still life, or positioning a figure in a portrait, the objective in the paintings is to create an integrated whole. Conjunction of form is inherent to painting. Conjunction of form refers to many important qualities, i.e. color theme, density of space, overlapping of objects and shadows, paint manipulation (scraping, repainting, scraping again and using a palatte knife to build up areas where texture is desired) and the reworking of borders and edges. I choose still life as an artform, because it allows me to contol all of the above-mentioned elements. Still life in general, is limited in depth and space, therefore, it is a challenge when developing an arrangement to try and capture that multi-layered sense space on the two dimensional surface of the canvas."

Website:  beckyparrish.com



Sweet Butter

Sweet Butter, Oil on Panel, 5"x7"

Old Milk Stool

Old Milk Stool, Oil on Linen, 14"x17"



Old Chair VII (End of Summer Flowers

Old Chair VII (End of Summer Flowers), Oil on Panel, 29"x24"

Harmony in Gray, Green and Violet

Harmony in Gray, Green and Violet, Oil on Panel, 20"x16"

Fall Harvest

Fall Harvest, Oil on Linen, 27"x29"

White Roses

White Roses

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© Carspecken-Scott Gallery        1707 N. Lincoln Street, Wilmington DE  19806 - Tel: 302-655-7173        FacebookIcon