Artist Resume and Statement:
I was born and raised in Richmond, VA and studied art at VCU. In my adult years I have lived in a rural setting near Charlottesville, VA.
My background is quite varied with studies and work in photography, clinical herbalism, aesthetics, horticulture, and garden design.
I have earned my living as a gardener/designer for over 20 years and have a certificate in permaculture design.
My interest in insects began when I was about 11. All of Nature continually fascinates me.
Painting has become a wonderful way to enhance and express my “mothing” hobby.
Raising awareness of nature and ecosystems is my primary goal.
Moths are the shamen of the night forest- hidden until we seek them.
Throughout our human history moths have symbolized profound transformation with their own miraculous journey from egg, larva, pupa to adult.
Moths are nocturnal creatures and so are inherently mysterious.
Since their intricate patterns and colors are rarely observed in casual encounters at the porch light, I paint them large.
It is intimate. I have encountered each of the moths that I paint at my home near Charlottesville.
After I collect them, they then spend the night in my refrigerator in order to slow them down for their photo shoot the next day.
Afterward I release each in excellent condition. There are thousands of species of moths locally and I am looking forward to painting their nearly endless variety.
You can find me any warm night hovering in the lure of the light just like the moths.
Website: Deborah Davis
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Virginia Creeper Sphinx, acrlyic on canvas, 30"x40"
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Arched Hook Tip, acrlyic on canvas, 30"x40"
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Bilobed Looper, acrlyic on canvas, 30"x40"
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Eastern Black Moth, acrlyic on canvas, 30"x40"
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Horrid Zale, acrlyic on canvas, 30"x40"
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LunaMoth #6, acrlyic on canvas, 30"x40
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Harris's ThreeSpot, acrlyic on canvas, 30"x40"
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IO Moth, acrlyic on canvas, 30"x40"
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Virgo Tiger Moth, acrlyic on canvas, 30"x40"
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Glorious Habrosyne, acrlyic on canvas, 30"x40"